Lancaster Bible College wants to help local high school students get a jumpstart on their college education with tuition-free courses on LBC’s Lancaster campus.
LBC’s JumpStart is a dual enrollment program that offers high school juniors and seniors the opportunity earn tuition-free college credit before they even officially start college. In fact, when high school students take advantage of this beneficial program, they could start their college freshman year with 12 tuition-free credits already completed!
In addition to gaining experience in a college classroom and getting a feel for campus life, JumpStart students who enroll full time at Lancaster Bible College will receive a $500 scholarship for each semester they were enrolled in the JumpStart program, for a maximum $2,000 scholarship (renewable yearly with a minimum GPA).
Applications are now open for the Spring 2025 semester, with classes beginning Jan. 6, 2025. Registration closes Dec. 6, 2024.
To be eligible for JumpStart at LBC, high school students must:
- Be in good standing with their high school and the college, and have a GPA of 3.0 or above.
- Profess faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior and agree to the college’s Statement of Faith.
- Complete and submit scores for the PSAT, SAT, ACT or CLT.
JumpStart is open to high school juniors and seniors, and classes are offered on campus at 901 Eden Road, Lancaster, Pa. (no online options at this time). High school students may take one take one course through JumpStart each semester during their junior and senior years of high school, for a total of four courses total. Tuition is free, but a per-course student fee applies.

Zoe (’28) appreciated her experience as a JumpStart student at LBC.
Get to know a bit more about Zoe (’28), a JumpStart student who started her freshman year as an LBC Business Administration major in the fall of 2024.
LBC: Please tell us about your experience in LBC’s JumpStart program.
ZOE: “I took my first JumpStart class at the beginning of my junior year of high school, and I took one each semester for two years, so in total I took four classes at LBC before actually coming here. [Taking] one JumpStart class at LBC at a time allowed me to be able to not be too overwhelmed by a college course in addition to high school classes. The most beneficial part of the program is being able to come into college with credits. And because I took in-person classes at LBC, I was able to become more accustomed to campus before my freshman year.”
LBC: How did the JumpStart program prepare you for college?
ZOE: “The program prepared me for college because it took away some of my nerves for college classes, since I was able to do well in them in high school. I learned about how different professors will handle each class differently, and getting my work done is a more personal responsibility.”
LBC: Would you recommend the JumpStart program and, if so, why?
ZOE: “I would recommend the JumpStart program because it is a great way to get ahead of the game.”
LBC: How has your transition to college been after JumpStart?
ZOE: “Being an actual student on campus is extremely different than coming in once or twice a week for one class, and I have loved my start to LBC.”
LBC: What advice would you give to someone considering the JumpStart program?
ZOE: “Understand that you’re taking a class mostly with people a year or more ahead of you in life. So don’t worry if it’s uncomfortable or if you don’t make a lot of friends—that becomes a lot easier once you’re an on-campus student. Instead, I’d say focus on learning as much as possible from the class and professor and seeking to get as much out of it as possible before you start taking multiple college classes.”
For more information on LBC’s JumpStart dual enrollment program, or to see application dates, eligibility requirements, scholarship information or contact the team, visit