Four years of college just isn’t enough for some students at Lancaster Bible College. With the exciting announcement of LBC | Capital’s new online master’s degree in Strategic Communication Leadership, some students are eager to continue their educational experience at their alma mater. And with LBC | Capital’s unique 4+1 program, students can follow the path to earning a bachelor’s and master’s degree in just five years.
Two 2022 graduates in LBC | Capital’s Communication & Media Arts Department, Avery Bieber and Megan Rogers, were the first to get in line for the new master’s program. Read their responses about why they decided to get their master’s degree at LBC and why they felt called to further pursue their education.
LANCASTER BIBLE COLLEGE | CAPITAL SEMINARY & GRADUATE SCHOOL: What made you decide to get your masters right after completing your bachelor’s degree?

Avery Bieber (’22)
AVERY BIEBER (’22): When I was approached about the Communication master’s program, I was immediately interested for two reasons. The first was because of the appeal of it being just one year on top of my already finished degree, and the second was the caliber and focus of the classes being offered.
MEGAN ROGERS (’22): It’s a cool opportunity for me to get my master’s and bachelor’s in a (shorter amount of time). It’s a convenient time in my life for me to do this right now, with just graduating college. It’s an easy transition and is nice that it’s just a one-year program (for those who have already graduated with a bachelor’s degree from LBC | Capital).
LBC | CAPITAL: What is the importance of a master’s degree to you?
AB: Though I do not necessarily think that a master’s degree is essential to finding a job as it would be for a medical degree, I am eager to learn more about my field and desire to best serve the audiences and teams I am communicating to. Therefore, I think that the education I will receive from continuing to learn in my degree will continue to equip me to be of the best service to those I am working with and for.
MR: I think it brings another level of education and a new perspective as well. I’m excited to get into some deeper topics and talk more about what this actually looks like in the real world.
LBC | CAPITAL: Why should other students at LBC think about getting their master’s degree immediately after earning their bachelor’s degree?
AB: As I stated above, the convenience is unequivocal. Even more so, the continued experience and education being obtained will only be helpful. The classes are focused and intensive, allowing students to learn a lot of essential information that will continue to serve them in the career paths they choose.

Megan Rogers (’22)
MR: It’s a great opportunity both financially and practically. If you can just go to school for one or two more years on the heels of your undergrad, it’s a great way to get it all out of the way and then be able to enter the workforce.
LBC | CAPITAL: What is special about LBC that makes you want to get an additional degree here?
AB: The thing that drew me to LBC over any other school was the environment where every single person truly desires to hear your story and partner with you on this journey. The love of Christ, which trickles through every aspect of campus, is present on such a deep and personal level from my education to my relationships.
MR: I have loved my experience as an undergrad student and have learned so much through various friendships I’ve made and classes I’ve taken. I want to continue that journey and I am excited about the opportunity to continue further in understanding communication from a biblical standpoint.
LBC | CAPITAL: How has LBC helped you in your educational journey?
AB: LBC has shaped me to live out my faith through my occupation using my education through a biblical worldview. My educators have continually prepared me to pursue Christ through my work and have cultivated in me the desire to work for Christ no matter where I end up working.
MR: I have been challenged to think about things from a biblical worldview that I probably never would’ve thought of from that worldview. They’ve given me resources to continue to pursue some big questions and further my education.