Living on campus in one of Lancaster Bible College’s residence halls gives students a rich, life-on-life community experience. In fact, LBC’s Student Life team focuses on the three main tenets of: 1) Formational Experiences; 2) Thriving Environments; and 3) Memorable Moments.
For students living on campus, each dorm is divided into sections with a Resident Assistant (RA) to oversee the wing and help each student thrive at LBC. Living in a dorm gives students a unique opportunity to go through day-to-day life alongside one another. The fellow students in your dorm section quickly become your Charger family.
RAs plan a fun, community building event each month, alongside section dinners, section chapels and a spiritual formation program. Student leadership in each residence hall also plans and hosts campus-wide events.
FURTHER READING: Did you know that ranked LBC’s dorms in the Top 10 in Pennsylvania and in the Top 15% nationwide? Read more!
Some past dorm activities and events at LBC have included the following:
- Pancake Game Night
- Boys vs. Girls Section Events
- Thrifting and Coffee
- Pancakes and Prayer
- Decorating for Christmas
- Paint Night
- Movie Night
- Line Dancing
- Sock assassin
- Friendsgiving
- PowerPoint Night
- Corn Maze
- Galantine’s Day Event
- Picnic in the Park
- Cereal Night
- Worship Night
- Bible Study
- Testimony Night

Movie nights are great ways for residents of dorm sections to hang out and relax.
Jeremy Bitler (’27), a Business Administration major and an RA in Weber Hall, has hosted cereal nights, movie nights and a Bible study with the guys in his dorm sections.
“Living in a dorm hall gives you community off the bat,” he said. “You have multiple people and companions living right next to you that you will get to know through simply passing in the hall. This allows you to have a starting spot in getting connected.”
Each week, Bitler has hosted a Bible study going through the book of Proverbs. After reading through a chapter, he and his guys share with each other the good and bad parts of their week and then take the time to pray for one another.

Some residents of LBC’s East Hall took an outing together to a local wildflower field.
Sarah Mosher (’25) is an Intercultural Studies major and an RA in East Hall. Mosher hosted a “picnic in the park” for the girls in her dorm section, as well as a brother-sister section event at a corn maze and an outing to a local flower field. Mosher also leads a testimony night with her girls.
“Every other week we do a testimony time,” she shared. “Each time, a different girl shares her story and after they are done, we reflect on the characteristics of God that we heard from their story. It has been encouraging to me to see the way the girls are willing to be vulnerable with one another for the glory of God.”
Living in a dorm gives you the opportunity to connect deeply with a diverse group of people as you walk through college life together.
“Every day, you get to do life with others from different walks of life and backgrounds, people with different majors and interests,” Mosher said. “You get to choose to grow in relationships with them and, because of this lifestyle, friendships bloom quickly. It is a guarantee that people will be around and there will be someone to have a meal with if you are alone. At no other point in life will you have this consistent community of people that you live with and do life with daily.”
Check out just a few of the fun dorm section events from fall 2024!
- Fun at Webfeast 2024, a Thanksgiving event for the residence of Weber and Clemens halls.
- As dorm sections turn into friends and family, they attend campus-wide events like Webfeast together.
- Card-making and posts about gratefulness were just a couple of the activities at Webfeast.
- An intense game of Jenga was part of Webfeast 2024.
- Clemens residents cooled off with sprinkler fun.
- Residents of Peterson Hall painted records this fall.