7 Frequently Asked Questions From Parents

by Kelsey Madas

July 24, 2018

Posted: July 24, 2018

7 Frequently Asked Questions From Parents

by Kelsey Madas
Posted in: Student Life

If you’re a parent getting ready to send your child off to college, you probably have a lot of questions. We certainly get quite a few here at Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School from the parents of our traditional undergraduate programs! Here’s a list of seven frequently asked questions we get from parents.

1. How do I know my child is taking the classes needed for graduation?

Each student is assigned an academic advisor with whom they are required to meet before registering for classes each semester. While the advisor is a resource, it is the student’s responsibility to make sure they are getting the classes they need. If you have further questions, please contact the Registrar’s Office at 717.569.7071.

2. Where can I find a listing of all the courses offered at LBC?

The college catalog lists all courses and a brief description of each.

3. Can my child change his or her major?

Yes. They must submit a change of program form to the Registrar’s Office, signed by both their old and new academic advisors. They should talk to their academic advisor about how the change may or may not affect projected time to graduation, as well as any additional course requirements.

4. Do I have access to my child’s grades?

Under FERPA laws, LBC cannot release a student’s grades to any outside party without written consent from the student. If you would like to access your child’s grades, please talk to them and have them sign a release form through the Registrar’s Office.

5. When can my child register for classes?

New students can pre-register for fall classes during the summer. Current students, in good standing, are registered at the end of each semester for the following semester’s classes.

6. Do professors sign a statement of faith to teach at the college?

Yes. Faculty and staff are asked to affirm the college’s Statement of Faith.

7. How can I purchase a meal plan for my student?

Charger Bucks are simply money that has been added to a student’s LBC ID card for use at campus eateries like the Charger Café, Hollee’s Cafe, Bennee’s Bistro, Charlie’s Creamery, and the Dining Hall. Charger Bucks can be used by any student, staff or faculty member that has an LBC ID card. Anyone can purchase them – students, staff, faculty, parents, friends, grandparents, aunts, uncles and siblings. To purchase them by cash or check, visit the Solution Center on our Lancaster campus in Upper Esbenshade during regular office hours (M-F, 8 am-4 pm). You can also buy them by credit card online by clicking here.

Posted in: Student Life

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