Academic Departments

Arts & Sciences

The Arts & Sciences Department uses hands-on experience, Christ-centered training, and a strong foundation in theory and ethics to prepare students for careers as effective communicators in a secular world.

Bible & Theology

The Bible & Theology Department provides students with the flexibility to choose courses from various professional departments, while also giving them the same core Bible & theology and arts & sciences courses as all other LBC majors.

Business Administration Department

Business majors at LBC | Capital are given the unique ability to be instructed, trained and discipled by godly men and women who have had years of experience as corporate leaders, entrepreneurs and in legal practice. They impart their practical experience to our future leaders within the framework of a biblical worldview, giving our graduates the distinct advantage of entering the business world with industry skills and an understanding of how to serve Christ in a professional setting.

Church & Ministry Leadership

The Church & Ministry Leadership Department trains global ministry leaders for the 21st century by emphasizing godly character and developing leadership skills.

Communication & Media Arts

The Communication & Media Arts Department exists to develop creative, highly-skilled communication and media professionals who will influence culture and the Church from a relevant, biblical worldview. Get hands-on training with experienced professionals to prepare for careers in broadcasting, journalism, advertising, public relations, digital marketing, show production, video production, and graphic design.

Counseling & Social Work

The Counseling & Social Work Department encourages students to understand, evaluate, and practice counseling and social work theory and methods from a biblical perspective.


The Education Department equips students with the skills and knowledge to be a teacher.

Music, Worship & Performing Arts

The Music, Worship and Performing Arts department exists to develop highly skilled artists to influence culture with grace and truth.

School of Bible & Ministry

The Church & Ministry Leadership Department trains global ministry leaders for the 21st century by emphasizing godly character and developing leadership skills.