Grace Law, a 2022 graduate of Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School, celebrated with the Class of 2022 on May 13! A native of Malaysia, Grace is an Early Childhood Education major, a leader within the International Student Fellowship, a member of Delta Epsilon Chi Honor Society, the 2021 Homecoming Queen and the recipient of the Ally Center Scholar Award and the Student Leadership Award.

Grace Law (’22), back row, second from right, formed a close relationship with LBC | Capital President Emeritus Dr. Peter W. Teague and his wife, Paulette, front row.
The future teacher also formed a close relationship with President Emeritus Dr. Peter W. Teague and his wife, Paulette. Dr. Teague was instrumental in helping to bring Grace to LBC | Capital.
LBC | Capital President Dr. Thomas L. Kiedis asked Grace to share her testimony at the Lancaster graduation ceremony, which is reprinted below.
Good afternoon, everyone! My name is Grace Law Shi En, and I’m an international student from Malaysia. Today, I’m finally graduating with a bachelor’s in early childhood education. Yeah! I’d like to share three ways God has worked in my life in the past four years: through faithfulness, humility and provision. I’ve also been inspired by the life of Queen Esther.
God has showed me that He works through my insecurities for he promised that His grace is sufficient for me, and His power is made perfect in weakness. When I came to America, I struggled with language. Speaking in front of you all is a work of God’s faithfulness. I came a long way by praying, trusting, surrendering and allowing God to use me. He used me as one of the leaders of the International Student Fellowship to serve and care for the third-culture kids, missionary kids, international students and the LBC community. I learned to become comfortable in front of people and eventually had the courage to take part in classroom discussion. It is by trusting God’s faithfulness, His honor shines through my insecurities. I’m reminded of Queen Esther—she was fearful, but she stayed faithful to God.
To allow God to work through my insecurities and fear, I learned to humble myself in every learning encounter. It was tricky to have good conversations with Americans while learning the new culture and social rules. On top of that, I struggled in reading, too. Imagine all the big words from reading in Bible classes. I remember calling my dad for help, and he emphasized seeking help. It is through prayers, God gave me the boldness to ask questions and seek help from the Ally Center, the library and the professors. The boldness allowed me to seek help with humility. Just like Esther, I learned to continue to serve God in humility.

Grace Law (’22) shares her testimony at the May 2022 Lancaster Bible College graduation ceremony.
God knows, He listens, and He provides in His timing. He gave me a family in Christ on this campus. He knows what I need to serve Him. God gave me the Novak family, whom I met in my first semester at a church event. They embraced a stranger, adopted me somehow and have showered me with love and care since. God gave me friends, my brothers and sisters in Christ, and He gave me professors and staff whom I respect as my parents on campus, who disciple me. Finally, God provided me with an education. Here, I want to especially thank Dr. Peter Teague and the Board of Trustees. No words can describe how thankful I am to be educated biblically, to live in a Christ-centered community, and to learn how to proclaim and serve God and His people, the church, and the society. God used Esther to serve His people by providing her a platform to speak up.
I know my parents are on screen watching us now, and I believe they are immensely grateful for each of you who love me, encourage me and make sure I walk in the path of God in faithfulness and humility. Thank you.