Besides studying, socialization and sports, Lancaster Bible College students have an array of student-led clubs and organizations through which they can grow and learn. One of the newest groups is called “1:3.” Bree DeVoe (’24), a Middle Level Education major and founder of “1:3,” explains the significance behind the relationship-centered organization.

Bree DeVoe (’24), founder of 1:3
LBC: What need did you see on campus to prompt you to start the 1:3 club?
BREE DEVOE: “In college, relationships really begin to weigh heavily on students’ minds. I recognized that we have a wide variety of stages among our students—single, dating, engaged and married. It can be difficult to figure out what healthy, Christ-centered relationships look like and how to maintain them. So many different perspectives are being pushed on us, from both secular and Christian views. Having good role models and people we can look to for advice and guidance is so important, so I wanted to create a space for that here on campus.”
LBC: What is the main purpose of the bi-monthly 1:3 gatherings?
BD: “I thought it would be beneficial for students to have somewhere they could go to hear from and talk to trusted, godly professors and their spouses about important topics we might not often have guidance on—things like, ‘Is there only one person for me?’ and ‘How do I decide if we should work through ____(insert issue) or if it’s time to walk away?’ Many of our topics can be applied to people in all stages of relationships. At each meeting, we have a couple tell us a little of their own story as they present the topic of the week and give insight from the perspective of God’s Word. The meetings are casual and include snacks and good conversation between students and the couple leading discussion, allowing plenty of space for questions and comments.”
LBC: What is the story behind the name “1:3”?
BD: “Ecclesiastes 4:12 tells us that ‘a cord of three strands is not easily broken.’ This represents a relationship between two people and God. When our relationships are centered around Christ, they are far stronger than apart from Him. He calls us into relationship with Himself and other people. So, the ‘1’ in our name represents the singular cord, and ‘3’ represents ourselves, the people we are in relationship with and God.”
LBC: How did you come to decide to lead 1:3 alongside Dr. Douglas Finkbeiner, Bible & Theology Professor and Program Director for the Master of Arts in Biblical Studies, and his wife, Sheri?
BD: “I had presented the idea of needing a resource like this on campus to Dr. Finkbeiner last semester, as I knew he and Mrs. Finkbeiner were marriage counselors. I didn’t anticipate getting to lead an organization based on what I’d expressed to him, but he suggested that we take action together! I hope to be able to pass my position onto another student once I graduate and have this be a lasting resource at LBC.”
LBC: What is your prayer as you look to the long-term goals of this organization?
BD: “I pray that students would be able to grow in their knowledge of God, care for one another and understand God’s call for us relationally through this organization, and that it would have a ripple effect in the community of LBC.”
LBC: How can LBC students become involved?
BD: “1:3 meets in President’s Dining Room of the Olewine Dining Commons on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. We would love to have students come any weeks that they are available!”