Anna Greiner (’24), a violinist in LBC’s Music, Worship & Performing Arts (MWPA) Department, isn’t sure what life after graduation looks like, but thanks to an internship this fall, she’s been able to couple her studies with practical, real-world experience.

Anna Greiner (’24) was involved as an intern with the LBC Orchestra.
Interning with LBC’s Orchestra Director, Doris Hall-Gulati, Anna was able to learn the role of an orchestra manager. LBC’s Community Orchestra meets Monday evenings in the Good Shepherd Chapel, where Anna arrives an hour early to set up and make sure the rehearsal runs smoothly.
The Music Electives major is responsible for various tasks, including organizing sheet music, arranging seating, taking attendance and making sure that her supervisor and the conductor have everything he or she needs for the evening.
Anna also performs in the orchestra, so once her set-up tasks are complete and attendance is taken, she retrieves her violin from its case and takes her seat among the LBC students and community members on stage.
“One of the biggest things that I have learned is that one individual’s effort impacts the entire ensemble,” Anna said. Another takeaway? Time management. “Staying on top of things will help our rehearsals leading up to our concerts be performed to the best of our ability,” she added. “It is important to realize why we are performing and how that will impact our performance.”
Anna has enjoyed getting to know the members of the orchestra throughout her internship. “My favorite part is getting to bond with community members and students while knowing that I am able to serve them and give encouragement along the way.”
The ability to act as the orchestra manager while also participating in the ensemble has provided Anna with a fresh outlook. “I love getting a better view as to how each individual musician comes together to create a beautiful masterpiece in the end as we do it for God’s glory,” said Anna. “Seeing the end result while being able to serve through this internship definitely portrays a different view.”
As a Music Electives major, which Anna refers to as a “buffet of everything” the MWPA Department has to offer, Anna has been able to see direct correlations between the instruction she’s receiving in her classes and the work she’s doing in her internship.
Her music classes aid her in repertoire, performance and musicality, while her Bible classes help her understand how to approach her internship from a biblical worldview.
“One of the classes that I have taken is Art of Teaching Instrumental Music, where we learn about orchestral/band rehearsals and lesson plans,” she explained. “When I go to orchestra rehearsals, I am able to view each rehearsal using the concepts of lessons I have learned from the class.”
After graduation, Anna hopes to combine music and ministry in some way. There are so many options and ways for her to use her music degree, and she wants to use her education to inspire others to pursue first, a love for God, and second, a love for music.
While Anna is still figuring out what the future holds for her, there’s one thing she’s certain of: “Wherever I do go, and whatever workplace I am in, I want to glorify God.”