Ruth Ann Shertzer: Obedient to the Call

by LBC Marketing

October 17, 2016

Posted: October 17, 2016

Ruth Ann Shertzer: Obedient to the Call

by LBC Marketing

LBC Trustee Ruth Ann shertzerAs a Trustee of Lancaster Bible College for many years, Ruth Ann Shertzer has seen the college grow and change before her eyes. Her relationship with the institution began back in the ‘70s when she attended LBC’s Evening Institute with her husband. “It became our ‘date night’ each Tuesday evening,” said Shertzer, “I enjoyed the classes, especially the ones on the New Testament books. I learned so much, but most important [to me] was the practical application we were encouraged to make in our lives. It became a highlight for me to attend class.” She might not have guessed that two college degrees and two decades later, God would allow her to have a part in overseeing many crucial parts of LBC’s history.

In 1998, Shertzer was asked to join LBC’s Board of Trustees to add the perspective of another educator. “When I was asked to consider becoming a Trustee, I felt I did not have much to offer,” she explained. “However, after praying about it—and with the encouragement of my husband—I consented.” Her obedience to God in this seemingly small opportunity has resulted in a fruitful ministry that spans decades. “It has been a blessing to me and a joy to serve the Lord in this way,” she said.

Shertzer has had a hand in some instrumental changes that have taken place in the college’s history, including a presidential transition, watching the Lord provide the funds for the construction of the Teague Learning Commons, participating in two self-study processes for reaccreditation and her continued involvement in LBC’s education committee, which helps to maintain a high standard of education and robust curriculum.

Through it all, Shertzer has been obedient to God’s call on her life, and the college has been greatly blessed by her selfless service. And she gives all the praise to God. “It has been a blessing and joy to see how God has directed the ministry of the college,” she said. “It is because of people being faithful in prayer for the college and the hard work and dedication of the administration, faculty and staff. I find it a pleasure to serve the Lord by being a part of the board of trustees.” LBC is grateful for Shertzer’s unwavering obedience and faithfulness to God and her willing service to the college.

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