90 Faces of LBC | Board Chair
Phil Clemens

by LBC Marketing

September 4, 2023

Posted: September 4, 2023

90 Faces of LBC | Board Chair
Phil Clemens

by LBC Marketing

Throughout the 2023-24 academic year, Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School will celebrate our 90th anniversary! Here, we introduce our community to “90 Faces of LBC” each week. Keep up with all the news and events of our 90th year, read stories and more at lbc.edu/90

LBC | Capital Board Chair Phil Clemens


WHERE I WORK & WHAT I DO: I worked for 50 years at our family business, Clemens Family Corp. (Hatfield Quality Meats), and retired in 2015 as the Chairman and CEO. I currently serve as the retired Chairman and Family Ambassador. I also serve on many boards, both for profit and not-for-profit.

MY EDUCATION: Associate of Science from Peirce College. Two honorary doctorates – LBC and Elizabethtown College

THE BEST PART ABOUT MY ROLE AT LBC IS: Seeing our mission carried out by our students, faculty and staff.

I’M HONORED TO LEAD THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES BECAUSE: We have a great board that is mission-focused and willing to help wherever needed.

MY SERVICE THROUGH LBC HELPS ME LIVE OUT MY FAITH BY: Carrying out my own personal mission statement to “demonstrate a life dedicated to Jesus Christ.”

MY LIFE’S BIBLE VERSE IS: Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths” (ESV.)

THE LAST BOOK I READ WAS: “Leading with Questions” by Michael J. Marquardt and Bob Tiede

WHEN I HAVE 30 MINUTES OF FREE TIME, I LIKE TO: Spend time with my grandsons, read or help others.

MEET MY FAMILY: I’ve been married to Linda for 50 years; we have 3 adult daughters: Julie, our oldest, who works in our family business; Beth, married to Paul College, serving with Mission Aviation Fellowship, who has four sons—Seth (attending OneLife Institute this year), Blake, a high school senior, Tate, a high school junior and Toby, a high school freshman; and Ruth, married to Brett Harris, who has three sons, fifth-grader Ian, second-grader Peter and kindergartener Linus.



LBC at 90 | Rooted in history. Preparing in the present. Building for the future.


LBC at 90 | Rooted in history. Preparing in the present. Building for the future.