More than 20 Lancaster Bible College alumni currently work at Sight & Sound Theatres in Lancaster, Pa., several of whom play a role in the annual, much-loved “Miracle of Christmas” production, playing through Dec. 30. With roles behind the scenes and on the stage, meet LBC graduates who are enjoying their respective roles in the production:
Curt Edwards (’97)

Curt Edwards (’97) is the Stage Management Supervisor at Sight & Sound Theatres.
What is your role at Sight & Sound, and what responsibilities do you carry?
“I am the Stage Management Supervisor. I oversee the team with the responsibility for managing the logistics and maintaining the artistic integrity of the show.”
What do you enjoy about your role at Sight & Sound?
“I enjoy working at a place that has the goal to spread the gospel and support the Church. They strive in obedience to the Lord’s call for the organization.”
In what ways did your education at LBC help prepare you for the work you are doing at Sight & Sound?
“LBC allowed me to grow up in a safe environment and the professors and coaches helped shape who I am. Plus, a Bible degree only helps in a place depicting biblical stories.”
What have you enjoyed about being involved in the production of ‘Miracle of Christmas’?
“We are savoring every moment of this show, as we have not performed it in four years. It was missed. Also, I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to film the show. Filming the show is so much work, but so enjoyable and rewarding.”
Samantha Ingram (’20)

Samantha Ingraham (’20) is a Sight & Sound performer.
What is your role at Sight & Sound, and what responsibilities do you carry?
“I’m an actress here at the theater, so I perform in the shows 11 times a week—two shows Tuesday through Friday and three shows on Saturdays! Depending on what roles I have in a show, I also get to do stuff like animal time, which means rehearsing with the animals that we’ll be in scenes with, watching and rehearsing several roles or tracks at a time if I’m an understudy, backup or swing, and getting to spend time working on music for current and new shows. It’s all really such a blast!”
What do you enjoy about your role at Sight & Sound?
“I love acting at Sight & Sound because I’m just surrounded by my friends! A bunch of us all went to college together too, so it’s just so special that we all still get to do shows together—and as our full-time jobs! This is all I’ve ever wanted to do, and the fact that I get to do it by putting on full-scale, high-quality musicals about the Lord with other believers is just an unbelievable blessing. There’s nothing like it!”
In what ways did your education at LBC help prepare you for the work you are doing at Sight & Sound?
“My professors at LBC really encouraged me to remember why it is I do what I do. They reminded me to have confidence in my own abilities—abilities that I got to really refine through my various acting, dancing and singing classes through LBC, but to remember where they came from—the Lord. He is the one who gave me the ability, talents and gifts to do what I love, so the fact that I have the opportunity to use these gifts that He’s given me to glorify Him is the ultimate gift. So my time at LBC really helped me both grow in my talents and my appreciation for the One who gave them.”
What have you enjoyed about being involved in the production of ‘Miracle of Christmas’?
“Oh, so many things! This show is just so FUN! There are so many great moments on stage that we all get to share as a cast, singing joyfully together and dancing and laughing. It’s a very nostalgic show, even though this is my first time doing it! The show just feels very relaxed, beautiful and fun. And it’s just such a blessing to be able to tell the story of Jesus’ birth with all my friends. It brings so much hope and joy to us, and to think that we can do that for others who get to come watch is just so cool!”