Dr. Richard A. Taylor
In late February 2022, Dr. Richard A. Taylor visited Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School to spend time on the Lancaster campus with Bible & Theology faculty and PhD students to discuss the role of the Septuagint in biblical studies. Dr. Taylor served as the Director of the PhD program at Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) for 17 years. Today, he serves DTS as Senior Research Professor of Old Testament Studies.
Because Dr. Taylor holds a PhD in New Testament Greek and another in Old Testament Hebrew and Aramaic, he is uniquely qualified to speak on the role of the Greek translation of the Old Testament, the Septuagint, in biblical studies. The scholar has taught the Septuagint at DTS since his arrival there in 1989.
“Having directed the PhD programs in one of the largest and most influential evangelical seminaries in the world for 17 years, few Bible scholars have had the impact that Rick Taylor has had over his 50-year career,” said Dr. Mark Meyer, Program Director for LBC | Capital’s PhD in Biblical Studies. “Bringing Dr. Taylor to LBC | Capital to equip and challenge the faculty and students not only exposes them to some of the finest evangelical teaching available but also gives them a vision of the inestimable impact they may have for the greater glory of God.”
Dr. Taylor is currently teaching an elective in Septuagint to one of LBC | Capital’s PhD in Biblical Studies cohorts. Thus far, he’s enjoyed his time with LBC | Capital students, faculty and administration and hopes to foster his relationship with the college in years to come.