From China to America: How One International Student Came to LBC

by LBC Marketing

December 7, 2017

Posted: December 7, 2017

From China to America: How One International Student Came to LBC

by LBC Marketing
Posted in: Academics

Being a college student can be difficult at times. And if you add language barrier on top of all of the stress from classes, homework and sports, it can be even more so.

But YaHui (Naomi) Wang, a native of Hebei province in China, has taken it all in stride. “I grew up in a small town,” she said. “It’s a very peaceful place, but the Christianity is very rare there.” When she had the opportunity to visit the U.S. in middle school, and later, to study at a private Christian high school in Kansas, she jumped at the chance to explore the world beyond her hometown.

Little did she know just how much she would learn during her time in the United States. In fact, it was on her first trip that Wang became a Christian. When she returned to the U.S. to attend the Christian school in Kansas, she learned even more about Jesus and deepened her faith. “Because Christianity is so uncommon where I grew up,” she explained, “I never believed that there was a God – until I got a chance to visit America. I met many faithful and joyful Christians during that trip. They were so caring and loving. It made me wonder how they could be so joyful and show love to a stranger. Of course, the answer was because of God. I became very eager to know more about God, and I want to become His child.” To cap off her trip, Wang made a public declaration of her faith by getting baptized.

It was during this time that Wang’s American host family connected with Dr. Ed Scheuerman, a professor at the college. She visited the campus, fell in love with the school and applied. “I was eager to study in a Bible college,” said Wang. “LBC is the perfect school for me – it’s safe, friendly and more importantly, it’s Bible-centered.”

However, living in an entirely new culture hasn’t been without its challenges. According to Wang, the transition had its complications. “It was very hard,” she explained. “For the first couple of months, it was exciting because everything was new to me! But after that, I had a very hard time. I was homesick, and I began to miss everything about China.” Though Wang still misses her country and family, she found a new home here at our Lancaster campus and dedicated herself to her business and Bible classes. “I love LBC!” she said excitedly. “I think it is a blessing to get educated. To me, education is not just to being book smart. It’s about having the right perspective on things.”

What does Wang plan to do once she graduates? “I want to be a Certified Public Accountant!” she said excitedly. While she doesn’t know what the future holds for her, she does know one thing for certain: God is in control.

Posted in: Academics

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