LBC at 2nd & 3rd Place on Wall Street Journal Rankings

by LBC Marketing

September 27, 2017

Posted: September 27, 2017

LBC at 2nd & 3rd Place on Wall Street Journal Rankings

by LBC Marketing
Posted in: Awards & Accolades

Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School took second and third place in 2018 college rankings published by The Wall Street Journal, edging out two Ivy League institutions for the top spots.

LBC grabbed second place on a list of Top Schools for Right Choice, placing ahead of Duke University and Brown University. The college also earned third place on a list of Students’ Top Schools for Career Preparation, ranking ahead of Drexel University and Dartmouth College.

The Wall Street Journal surveyed students and asked them a series of questions to determine each institutions ranking. For the Right Choice category, students were asked, “If you could start over, would you still choose this college?” LBC earned a score of 9.46 out of 10. For the college’s placement of the Career Preparation listing, those surveyed were asked, “Is your college effective in helping you to secure valuable internships that prepare you for your chosen career?” The answers of LBC students gave the college a score of 9.6 out of 10. The college has a counseling and career centerdedicated to its students.

“It never ceases to amaze me when these accolades, unpursued nor sought after, seemingly show up out of the blue,” said Dr. Peter W. Teague, president of LBC. “It’s a testimony to what God is doing on our campus in and through the lives of LBC students!”

Posted in: Awards & Accolades