The Lancaster Bible College mailroom, called “The Stop,” is moving! But the legendary LBC Stop boxes are not moving with it. Therefore, the LBC Alumni Office is selling the gold, metal Stop box doors for $30 each. Alumni, employees, students, parents and friends can order a Stop box door featuring a favorite number, jersey, graduation year or any digit that is special! Doors are on sale now, numbers can be reserved and purchased at this link.
Over the years, the Stop boxes became unexpectedly multifaceted. Not only have students used them to receive important mail, notes from friends or care packages from home, but Stop boxes also became a means to grow young love.

Shyanne (Smith ’15) and Tyler (’15) Noel made sure to take home a mailbox door because of the special memories it holds.
Shyanne (Smith ’15) Noel, a Women in Christian Ministry major while at LBC, happily shared that she purchased her Stop box door because of the sweet way it played a role in her relationship with her now-husband, Tyler Noel (’15), an LBC Worship Arts major and today a worship leader at nearby Calvary Church in Lancaster.
“As a very sentimental person, I definitely bought my Stop box door,” Shyanne shared. “It was the beginning of our love story.”
The situation was similar for Colby Weinhofer (’03), a Bible Ministries major while on campus, and his wife Theresa (Michaud ’05) Weinhofer, an Education major. Their Stop boxes played a huge role in their love story and were even a part of their proposal.
“My wife, Theresa, used to work in the LBC mailroom when we were both students,” Colby shared. “One of our dating rituals was me leaving notes in her mailbox. We thought it was funny that I would put them in from the front and she would retrieve them from the rear. So, when it came time to propose, having the ring in her mailbox for her to find was an obvious choice.”

LBC’s Stop boxes played a huge role in the love story—and proposal—of Theresa (Michaud ’05) and Colby Weinhofer (’03), who married in 2004.
Upon hearing that the boxes were being sold, Colby couldn’t help but purchase the item that held such a special place in both his and Theresa’s hearts.
“We recently built a new bookcase in our house and have been filling it with mementos,” Colby said. “Our 20th anniversary is coming up, and I was wanting to give her something from our time at LBC. Suffice it to say, this will be a hard anniversary present to top!”
Stop numbers 1-1098 were originally available, and dozens have already been purchased; numbers ending in 9 and 0 are not available. Door numbers are on a first-come, first-served basis. Numbers not listed on the purchase form have already been reserved and are no longer available.
Doors will be shipped free of charge to the billing address provided, and local pickup is also available. The LBC Stop box door sale closes June 15, 2024.