Student Perspectives: Brandon Glover

by LBC Marketing

February 1, 2017

Posted: February 1, 2017

Student Perspectives: Brandon Glover

by LBC Marketing
Posted in: Adult Education

Pictured above are LBC student Brandon Glover and his wife, Christine.

Trying to find a way to balance college, work, ministry and life can be difficult. Thankfully, LBC’s accelerated undergraduate degrees program is here to help! We talked to current student Brandon Glover about his experience in the biblical studies program, how it’s shaped him as a person and why biblical education matters to him.

How did you first hear about Lancaster Bible College?

I first considered attending LBC when the subject came up in a discussion with a few of my close friends during small group. They challenged me to consider taking classes, and, with the help of the amazing staff at LBC, I was able to chart out my degree plan and how my life would look in the following years.

Why did you choose to study here?

I wanted to grow more in my faith and I knew going to LBC would prepare me to better the lives of my family and friends. Obtaining a degree that has an impact on all aspects of your life was a no-brainer for me and I couldn’t be happier with my decision!

Where do you work currently?

I currently serve in the Pennsylvania Air National Guard and work full time for the Department of Defense.

Why did you decide to earn your degree in Bible? Why is biblical higher education important to you?

I truly felt a calling to pursue my degree at LBC! I was previously enrolled at Millersville University but I felt that God wanted me to finish my degree at LBC, and I had a strong feeling that earning a degree in biblical studies was a part of God’s plan for me. When I graduate with my bachelor’s degree this spring [May 2017], I’ll be able apply all that I learned at Lancaster Bible College to my everyday life. What I learned at LBC has equipped me to have a greater impact for Christ in all aspects of my life – whether that be at work, in church or with my family.

How do you see your biblical education influencing your work in both these spheres?

I would say the biggest benefits came from learning to showing love and compassion to others as Christ did. Given the current political and social climate, we need to show love and compassion to others even more than before. I have grown tremendously in my understanding of how to implement both of these traits in such beneficial ways.

What’s the best part about earning your degree in biblical studies through LBC’s accelerated undergraduate degree program?

Two perks stand out to me the most when reflecting on this question – first is the fact that the AUD program is tailored for full-time working students. Knowing that I can come to class one evening a week for a few hours allows me to organize my hectic life around a set, flexible and welcoming environment. The second perk is the most obvious perk – you get to go to class to learn more about our faith! Walking through life with a community of believers who are all thirsty to learn more about our Lord is the greatest perk that an education at LBC has to offer.

How do you hope to use what you’ve learned at LBC in your life?

I would love to use my degree from LBC as a spring board to further developing my true purpose in life. I am not certain how God plans to use me in the next steps of my life, but I know He has guided my path up till this point and I can’t wait to see how he uses me in the future!

I’d also like to encourage prospective students with this: if attending LBC has been on your heart in the past, or you’re just starting to explore the idea, then I would highly encourage you to pray about it and seek out anyone of the amazing student advisers at LBC. Not only can they help you put your thoughts into an actionable plan, but they have amazing resources to help AUD students looking to balance life, work and school. Take on the challenge – I guarantee you won’t regret it!

Posted in: Adult Education

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