Dr. Peter Teague for LNP | How We Know the Bible is the Word of God

by Dr. Peter W. Teague

August 26, 2023

Posted: August 26, 2023

Dr. Peter Teague for LNP | How We Know the Bible is the Word of God

by Dr. Peter W. Teague

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(This column originally appeared in LNP | LancasterOnline on Aug. 13, 2023.)

Peter Teague.Tolerance has become the cardinal virtue, the sole absolute of our society and we hear it preached every day in all areas.

Yet few understand what society really means by tolerance nor do we realize that it is the central doctrine of an entire cultural movement.

The traditional definition of tolerance means simply to recognize and respect others’ beliefs and practices without necessarily agreeing or sympathizing with them.

Today’s definition is vastly different.

This new tolerance means to consider every individual’s beliefs, values, lifestyle and claims of truth as equally valid.

So not only does everyone have an equal right to his beliefs but all beliefs are equal.

This new tolerance goes beyond respecting a person’s rights.

It demands praise and endorsement of that person’s beliefs, values and lifestyle.

That is why Christians hold to the view that the source of all authority is the word of God. When we seek to bring order to this world, we reflect the glory of our Maker. When we seek to judge fairly and honestly, we reveal the thumbprint of God in our life. Continue reading…