Meet Our Team

Andrew Keenan, MA

Adjunct Faculty

Department: School of Bible & Ministry

Office Location: Lancaster


PhD candidate, University of Cambridge, Septuagint/ Old Testament
MA, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Biblical Languages
MA, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Old Testament
BA, Lancaster Bible College, Biblical Studies

Courses Taught:

Prelude to Biblical and Theological Studies (THE105)
Old Testament I: Creation & Covenants (BIB 103)
Old Testament II: Israel’s Life and Literature (BIB 104)
New Testament I: Life of Christ (BIB 203)
New Testament II: Early Church (BIB 204)
Selected Topics in Bible: Readings in Septuagint and Select Papyri (BIB480)
Greek Grammar I (LAN 211)
Greek Grammar II (LAN 212)
Greek Exegesis I (BNT 320)


“For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21