Meet Our Team

Mark Sooy, DMin

Adjunct Faculty

Department: School of Bible & Ministry

Office Location: Online

Mark Sooy teaches professionally and privately, including online studies at the university level and private high school courses. Mark is also an author, pastor, theologian, worship leader, and musician. He and has written several books and teaches on many subjects including worship, Christian worldview, the Bible, and theology. Mark holds advanced degrees in Bible and theology, including his doctorate (DMin) in Formational Leadership.


DMin, doctoral candidate, Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School, Lancaster, PA
MA, Historical Theology, Grand Rapids Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI
Bachelor of Theology, Grace Christian University (formerly Grace Bible College), Grand Rapids, MI

Courses Taught:

Christian Narrative 1 and 2 (THE223 and THE224)
1 & 2 Corinthians (BNT311)
Christianity and Culture (THE320)

Publications/Creative Works:

Weekday Wisdom: Daily Reflections for Leaders and Administrators (released February 2019)
Lessons in the Silence of God (released in November 2009)
The Life of Worship: Rethink, Reform, Renew (released in October 2006)
Essays on Martin Luther’s Theology of Music (released in August 2006)

“Why We All Should Read Martin Luther” in Journal of Grace Theology (Fall 2017)
“Worship as a Sub-theme in the Book of Romans” in Journal of Grace Theology (Spring 2017)
“Dispensationalism and Christian Worldview: Compatible and Complementary” in Journal of Grace Theology (Spring 2016)
“Rethinking John 4:24 as a Paradigm for Worship” in Journal of Grace Theology (Fall 2014)


Colossians 3:1-4