With “Bible” at the center of Lancaster Bible College’s name, it should come as no surprise that a biblical worldview is central to all we do. Here some quotes from our students describing why and how this shaped them.
1. “LBC helped me tremendously with both giving me an understanding of the word of God and helping me strengthen my abilities as both an actor and singer. The professors were always encouraging and pushing me to do greater things and helped me tap into abilities I never would have come into fruition otherwise.” – Wes Madara (’16), Musical Theatre

2. “LBC gives you a truly holistic education. It is an institution concerned with the students’ spiritual, physical and mental stability. The Bible tells us to love the Lord with all your mind, heart and soul and that is the attitude at LBC. They really desire to engage their students’ heart, mind and soul.” – Dorothy Brown (’19), Biblical Studies

3. “My education has enriched my ministry because it has shown me how to be effective and share the gospel within any cultural context. I can proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ with boldness, rightly dividing the word of truth because of the tools I have received from LBC. My education has also changed the way I lead. I am more reflective and can easily empower those I lead because I have developed an understanding that it takes all of us to fulfill the mission and calling of Christ.” – Michael Weatherbe (’14 & ’16), Biblical Studies (BA), Leadership Studies (MA)

4. “Being at truly a Christian institution helped me to learn how to properly steward of all that God was calling me to be and do.” – Malachi Vincent (’17), Business Administration

5. “One of the first lessons I learned in the classroom is that, ‘We are not Christian counselors. We are Christians that are counselors.’ Wow, that blew my mind. The first time that Dr. Anita Graham-Phillips, my counseling professor in Maryland, spoke those words to us, I recognized the connection between our faith and career. The two are inseparable. We carry our faith into the counseling room; we don’t leave it at the door.” – Ann Inniss (’18), Clinical Mental Health Counseling

6. “I think the aspect I value most was a steady dosage of solid biblical teaching in everything that was done at LBC. I was a music major, a bible major, and I played baseball my first two years at LBC. In everything, a biblical worldview was encouraged, curated and exemplified. This has continued to pay dividends in my life, and I’m so thankful for the guidance of professors who not only teach in the classroom but also taught by example.” – Jake Ritchey (’15), Instrumental Music Performance

7. “I think that taking Bible classes is vital to build your foundation in your faith first and allow that to guide everything you do as a teacher or in any career. Building the next generation is a huge task and shouldn’t be taken lightly. I learned so much and matured as a Christian from my time at LBC.” – Jason Zimmerman (’12), Early Childhood Education