6 Majors You Didn’t Know LBC Offered

by LBC Marketing

May 23, 2018

Posted: May 23, 2018

6 Majors You Didn’t Know LBC Offered

by LBC Marketing
Posted in: Academics

Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School has been around since 1933, and we’ve changed a lot since then. We’re still a Bible college, but we’ve also expanded our program offerings to help fulfill our mission statement: preparing Christian students to serve Christ in the church and society – that means we offer more than just ministry degrees here! Take a look at our list of six majors you didn’t know Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School offered.

1. TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)

Bachelor of Science

Worldwide, the demand for English language teachers is growing. In this program, you can use your passions for God and teaching to foster intercultural communication, build authentic relationships and live out your faith in an increasingly global society. Graduates of this program can become a TESOL teacher, cross-cultural missionary, English tutor and more.

2. Addiction Counseling

Bachelor of Science/Master of Arts 5 Year Program2 – 3 Year Master of Arts

Through Lancaster Bible College’s addiction counseling degree, you’ll learn how to become a substance abuse counselor from professionals with extensive field and classroom experience. Your growth will then continue through first-hand professional exposure through practicum and internship. Graduates of our program are fully-equipped for professional counseling employment with an additional specialized skill set in addiction therapy. Graduates of this program can become addictions counselors, counselors at an inpatient treatment facilities and more.

3. Musical Theatre

Bachelor of Fine Arts

If you’ve always dreamed of performing under the bright lights, take your first step to getting there. With classes that focus on theater and the Bible, and the chance to interact with professionals in the field – including former and current Broadway performers – we will equip you with the tools you need to become a great performer.

4. Criminal Justice

Bachelor of Arts (On Campus and Online)

When you study criminal justice at Lancaster Bible College, you’ll gain the value of getting a Christian college education while learning the basic concepts of the legal system from three perspectives: police, courts and corrections. Designed to give students an overview of the criminal justice system by broadly studying the different aspects of the law enforcement, judicial and correctional systems, students will graduate prepared to enter the field of criminal justice.

5. Church Planting

Master of Arts in Ministry and Master of Divinity

The Church is a key part of God’s plan to bring about reconciliation. Why not invest your ministry in learning how to grow it? Church planting is much more than building yet another church – it’s about bringing to the gospel to every part of the earth. In this program, you’ll get equipped with the tools you need to be an effective minister in church settings and much more.

6. Strategic Leadership

Doctor of Ministry

More than anything, the church needs leaders who are focused less on themselves and more on Christ. Too often, the trappings of pop culture leadership – like acclaim, influence, recognition and even fame –  are mistaken for power. Through Capital Seminary & Graduate School’s strategic leadership program, students learn the importance of true power through leading as Christ did, while simultaneously gaining practical leadership training that they can apply to their everyday lives through ministry.

Posted in: Academics

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