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Daniel Carver, PhD

Associate Professor, Old Testament in Bible & Theology

Department: School of Bible & Ministry

Office Location: Lancaster

Daniel E. Carver (PhD, The Catholic University of America) teaches Biblical Hebrew and a variety of Old Testament courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels and advises PhD dissertations. Dr. Carver is passionate about studying and teaching the Bible and biblical languages. His areas of greatest interest include the philological and linguistic study of bible and ancient Semitic languages, biblical and ancient Near Eastern prophecy, biblical poetry, and biblical theology. He has published articles on biblical and other ancient Semitic languages and is currently working on a book that interfaces the study of prophecy in its original contexts with careful study of the language of the prophets.

Dr. Carver and his wife have four sons and are a part of Calvary Church of Lancaster.


PhD, Semitic Languages and Literature, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC
MA, Semitic Languages and Literature, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC
MA, Bible, Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary, Lancaster, PA
BS, Biblical Studies, Lancaster Bible College, Lancaster, PA

Publications/Creative Works:
  • Peer-reviewed Articles:
    (2016). “The Akkadian Stative: A Non-finite Verb,” Ancient Near Eastern Studies (53), pp. 1-24.
    (2019). “The Use of the Perfect in Daniel 7:27,” Journal of Biblical Literature (138/2), pp. 325-344.
    (2021). “Vision Signals and the Language of Vision Descriptions in the Prophets,” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament (45/3), pp. 371-387.
    (2021). “The Past Time Uses of the Imperfect in the Aramaic of Daniel,” Aramaic Studies (19/2), 155-176.
    Co-authored Peer-reviewed Article:
    (2021). Co-authored with Edward M. Cook. “Situation Aspect, (Un)boundedness, and the Participial Periphrastic Construction,” Journal of Semitic Studies (66/1), pp. 1-15.
  • Book:
    (2018). Illustrated Daniel in Hebrew and Aramaic (Wilmore, KY: GlossaHouse).

Phil. 3:7-9a “But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him.” (ESV)