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Mark Sooy, DMin

Mark Sooy teaches professionally and privately, including online studies at the university level and private high school courses. Mark is also an author, pastor, theologian, worship leader, and musician. He…

Joshua Novalis

I am an Assistant Professor with the Arts & Sciences department, teaching creative writing and introductory language and composition courses. I have an M.A. and B.A. in English, and most…

Dave Coryell, DMin

…leadership with Christian Endeavor in the U.S. since 2007, following 15 years as a pastor of youth and leadership development. He was elected CEO for World C.E. in 2016. At…

Guy Higashi, DMiss

…Rim Christian College- Hawai’i. His work and ministry experience includes Director of Continuing Education at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, Administrative Director for Tommy Walker, Integrity and Maranatha songwriter,…

Beyond the Street Life | Marcos Mendez

…in 2016. “God put it on my heart to inquire about LBC | Capital,” he remembers. While LBC | Capital accepted most of his credits from previous college studies, he…