Fri, 07 Feb 2025, 02:08:42 PM
AlertLBC: Lancaster – Saturday 2/8/25 7pm performance of “Once Upon a Mattress” CANCELED. Due to the forecast winter storm, we are cancelling the Saturday evening performance. There are two additional performances this weekend – Friday 2/7, at 7 pm and Saturday, 2/8, at 2 pm. Your Saturday evening ticket will be honored at either of these shows by visiting the Box Office when you arrive. If you would like a refund, please email or leave a message for the box office at 717-560-8241.
Explore program policies of Social Work which in information on advising, retention, accommodations, academic discipline, probation and termination, compliance with other laws, student appeals, student grievances, admission to Field Education, student files, student’s rights to organize, course/faculty/program evaluation, transfer students, and non-discrimination statement.
Each student who is registered as a Social Work student will be assigned an Academic Advisor as part of the Social Work Department. Freshman and Sophomore students will retain the same advisor who will prepare them for admission into the Social Work Program. Upon formal acceptance into the Social Work Program, students will then be advised by the Field Director who will assist the student as they prepare for and manage their field/internship requirements.
Advising is a crucial part of the student’s experience. The Social Work Program has a rich history of quality advisement of the students who benefit from the personal attention given to the whole person. While advisement is primarily concentrated on course selection, opportunities exist for each student to utilize the experience of the advisors in other areas. In addition, students who pursue advanced degrees rely heavily on the recommendations from their college professors.
Students who are admitted to the Social Work Program need to maintain an overall GPA of 2.5. They must obtain a “C” or greater in all of their required social work courses.
Due to the nature of social work practice and the expectations of a professional program, academic standards for continuance in the Program include professional behaviors and practices. All policies and procedures contained in this Handbook as well as the Field Manual are expected to be maintained. Social Work students are expected to adhere to the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics.
Also refer to the sections in the LBC Student Handbook which refer to the Academic Integrity Policy and the LBC Disciplinary and Judicial Process.
Lancaster Bible College is committed to providing for the needs of its students with disabilities by utilizing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) as its guide for policy and practice. However, our goal is not governed solely by governmental legislation but also by our concern for all students’ endeavors and our stated mission that LBC “…exists to educate Christian students to think and live a Biblical worldview and to proclaim Christ by serving Him in the Church and society.” We believe that true education endeavors to realize all students’ greatest potential, preparing them to be effective servants of Christ.
The Disability Services Office provides services for qualified students who present recent, complete documentation of a disability which verifies the need for accommodations. Students with disabilities are those who have a diagnosis that substantially limits one or more major life activity. The documentation must identify the specific disability(s) using standardized tools, provide the historical impact of the disability on the student, describe the present impact, and indicate accommodations that have been recently utilized. Once this documentation is submitted by the student, accommodations are determined by the Director of Disability Services on a case-by-case basis. Accommodations offered will address the limitations of the disability, with the intent of ensuring access to all campus courses, programs, facilities, services, and activities.
The purpose of campus standards is to create the best environment in which students can live and education can flourish. At the cornerstone of this effort to create the best possible living/learning environment is the mutual obligation of students to treat all other members of the academic community with dignity and respect – (including other students, faculty members, neighbors, and employees of the college) and of Lancaster Bible College personnel to treat all students with equal care, concern, dignity and fairness. The complete Campus Standards and Restorative Conduct Process can be found in the LBC Student Handbook.
Students with a cumulative grade point average below 2.00 will be placed on Academic Probation. Students on Academic Probation who have the following grade point average or above may participate in one extracurricular activity at any one time:
Students below these minimum GPAs may not participate in any extracurricular activities.
All probationary students must attend two weekly appointments with a tutor in the Reaching Academic Potential (RAP) Center, the College’s academic assistance program. In addition, they must sign-up for two weekly study halls. Study halls are offered throughout the day as well as the evening. Hours are chosen at the convenience of the student. The specific schedule for RAP is posted on campus the beginning of each semester.
The Veteran’s Administration will be notified if a student receiving VA benefits does not meet the academic progress requirements after serving a probationary period of two semesters.
Any student who has been formally accepted into the Social Work Program may be terminated from the program. The faculty of the Counseling and Social Work Department reserve the right to make such decisions which may take into consideration information provided to the faculty from individuals overseeing the student’s Field Instruction at a social service organization. Failure to follow the institution’s policies may result in immediate termination from student enrollment and therefore would result in termination from the Program. All attempts will be made to address concerns in order to avoid the difficulty of termination through advisement and counsel.
LBC Students are also held to the conduct that is outlined in the institution’s LBC Student Handbook. Social Work students are subject to all federal and state laws that are applicable in the state of Pennsylvania. A student may be terminated from the social work program for violating any of these laws, rules, or regulations. Social Work students may also be dismissed from the Program for violation of the NASW Code of Ethics. This policy does not replace any college-wide disciplinary process or policy.
If the student(s) disputes the alleged charges or sanctions, there remains the right to appeal. All appeal requests must be submitted to the Dean of Students. An appeal must be made in writing and include the basis for the appeal, and must be received within three calendar days after the receipt of an imposed sanction. An appeal is normally based on one or more of the following conditions:
The LBC Student Handbook outlines the steps necessary for the full process of Student Appeals.
A student in the Social Work Program will have a record of their academic achievements maintained by the Social Work program staff. Currently, the Counseling and Social Work Department Assistant ensures that the records are accessible for staff and student access.
The following information is limited to, but not an exhaustive list, is contained in these records, facilitated by the student’s Academic Advisor:
The student can review these records according to the Rights Under FERPA Act.
Students may have a grievance about the academic performance relating to one of the social work faculty. If this occurs, the student should strive to seek resolution directly with the faculty member. Should this not resolve the concern, the student should request that the faculty member and the student meet with the Chair of the Counseling & Social Work Department. Failure to resolve the academic issue at this level could precipitate the student requesting a meeting with the Vice President of Academic Affairs along with the faculty member. If the student does not believe that an adequate solution has been received, the student can file an official appeal through the Appeals Process which is outlined in the LBC Student Handbook.
The Field Education component of the student learning experience has outlined policies relating to the entrance into the field.
Social Work students have the right to organize in their own interests relating to academic and student affairs. Social Work students are invited and encouraged to participate in the Social Work Student Organization (SWSO) coordinated through the student body. This organization will allow students to advocate for the needs of Social Work students, provide opportunities for camps-wide events relating to social work and serve to unite the Social Work Program students. The organization will have at least 2 Social Work student officers and a social work student representative from each class. The Social Work Program staff will serve as advisors for this organization.
The Lancaster Bible College student community has several opportunities whereby students are able to address policies within the academic and student affairs consideration. All students have access and representation within the Student Government Association (SGA). A member of the SWSO attends the SGA monthly meetings. This association represents students’ interests, encourages self-government, and promotes responsibility, loyalty, and cooperation among students and in their relations with faculty, staff, and the administration of the College. The Student Senate conducts monthly open meetings where all students are able to express concerns, ideas, and issues relevant to the LBC community. The actions of the Senate are reported to the Associate Vice President of Student Services who then reports to the President’s Cabinet of the College. In addition, in line with the SGA is another student organization called ACE (Activities & Campus Events) which facilitates campus wide events and student affair functions throughout the academic year. There is a representative from the Social Work Program who meets with the Academic Council to discuss matters of curriculum for the entire campus.
Throughout the academic year, students are afforded the opportunity to provide feedback about the course content and faculty performance. At the mid-semester point, students are afforded an opportunity to complete an anonymous course and faculty evaluation. This information is forwarded to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness which disseminates the compiled information to the Counseling and Social Work Department Chair. In turn, the Chair meets with the Social Work faculty to address any concerns on course content and faculty performance.
In a similar fashion, students are also able to provide semester end feedback and evaluation of course content and faculty performance. This information will be compiled for decisions about Program improvement areas as well as contracts for full-time and adjunct faculty.
At the end of every academic year, the Social Work Program Director provides program measurements of core competency data to be reviewed by the students, faculty, and outside community. This requirement affords the community to provide input into the quality of the social work education.
Students are eligible to transfer into the Social Work Program from other institutions; however, careful consideration of these candidates is coordinated through the Social Work Program and Office of the Registrar which is subject to the policies outlined by the institution.
Students who wish to transfer into the Social Work Program must complete their Social Work courses from another institution which has accreditation from the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) in order to count for Social Work Program credit. Students are only eligible to transfer social work courses which parallel those that are offered during the first 2 years of the Social Work Program, Research Design as well as up to 2 Social Work electives. Students MUST complete their Practice and Field Coursework at Lancaster Bible College therefore unable to transfer such courses. Students will follow the Social Work Program admission process in order to formally be admitted into the Program.
A full discussion can be found in the Social Work Student Handbook (pdf).
In line with the Lancaster Bible College statement of non-discrimination, the Lancaster Bible College Social Work Program affirms the worth and dignity of all persons. In addition, it is believed and supported that each individual is a direct reflection of God, made in His image. Therefore, it is imperative that the Social Work Program commits to delivering educational services without discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender or disability. It is expected that the learning environment of the College as well as ministry partners and field instruction sites be places of non-discrimination for the Social Work student.