Fri, 07 Feb 2025, 02:08:42 PM

AlertLBC: Lancaster – Saturday 2/8/25 7pm performance of “Once Upon a Mattress” CANCELED. Due to the forecast winter storm, we are cancelling the Saturday evening performance. There are two additional performances this weekend – Friday 2/7, at 7 pm and Saturday, 2/8, at 2 pm. Your Saturday evening ticket will be honored at either of these shows by visiting the Box Office when you arrive. If you would like a refund, please email or leave a message for the box office at 717-560-8241.

2023 LBC Graduates Share Blessings, Testimonies and Gratefulness

by LBC Marketing

May 2, 2023

Posted: May 2, 2023

2023 LBC Graduates Share Blessings, Testimonies and Gratefulness

by LBC Marketing

Graduation is a special time for students who have worked so diligently, for families who are bursting with pride and for professors who have watched students flourish. Here are just a few heartfelt words from Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School graduates who are celebrating in the spring of 2023.

“LBC taught me to have a thirst for biblical wisdom and learning. I have gleaned important ideas and skills to develop my Christian worldview and to teach others about Jesus Christ through various subjects. I would 100% recommend this school to anyone who wants to learn more about the Bible or other subjects. It prepares students for their future jobs and careers by teaching them critical thinking skills necessary to make important and ethical decisions daily and helps them be able to convey the gospel message through their work.”

Graduation ceremony.—Susana D., Bachelor’s, Communication, Online

“LBC has prepared me in such a way that I have more confidence. In addition, with the biblical studies aligned with my courses, I have a deeper understanding of the Word of God. This understanding along with my confidence has equipped me to engage with a diverse group of individuals without fear of apprehension. Through many of the connections I made over the course of the three years, I believe that my career opportunities are endless.”

—Renee D., Bachelor’s, Communication, Online

“LBC challenged me to answer questions about my faith that I didn’t even know I had. I have learned about the faith outside of the little box that I have grown up in. In addition, I am able to defend the faith, which I wasn’t able to do previously. LBC has stretched me in mission work, evangelism [and] explaining Scripture clearly.“

—Sarah G., Bachelor’s, Biblical Studies, Online

“LBC has given me the tools and the confidence to pursue my dreams of working with hurting women. The class work and the discussion times with other students and the faculty have sharpened me in the Word of God. The depth of study and challenges of the coursework honed me in my faith. I actually started my journey with LBC 35 years ago as a young adult. Now 35 years later, I am finally realizing my dream to graduate with my BA in Biblical Studies with a minor in Leadership in Ministry. This past year while in classes God has stretched and challenged me beyond anything I could have imagined. I was presented with new information that enhanced and grew my faith in Christ Jesus. I was challenged to state what I believed and back it up. I have a deeper relationship with Christ now because of the teaching and education I received at LBC.”

—Ruth S., Bachelor’s, Biblical Studies, Online

“Lancaster Bible College prepared me with the opportunity to fulfill my purpose here on Earth. My biblical courses and communication courses encouraged me to accomplish my assignment from God to make the world a better place to love others and to do what God has designed me to do. God is truly amazing. He is always there to supply my every need. His words motivates me to keep pressing on. He has fought every battle, and when I have questions about anything, I can depend on the word of God to provide me with answers to all questions regarding life on Earth. Philippians 4:13: ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’”

—Lisa J., Bachelor’s, Communication, Online

“Under the guidance of amazing professors, I was challenged to look at myself through a wider lens. For lack of a better word, I was exposed, which was an uncomfortable territory. This exposure of self enabled me to see my biases, shortcomings and vulnerability. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, it was the best preparation I needed to help those who will seek my help.”

—Alice P., Master’s, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Washington, D.C.

“LBC | Capital has equipped me with many skills, knowledge and training to serve people globally as a missionary of God. I have learned to lead effectively, communicate the biblical truth, apply ancient languages such as Greek and Hebrew to connect to biblical lessons/teachings and even to learn about organizational change and conflict. LBC | Capital has equipped me to lead the world outside of LBC in a biblical worldview.”

—Vera M., Master of Divinity, Washington, D.C.

Graduates pose for a group photo.“I would like to thank LBC for being the Bible-believing and Bible-teaching institution it is. I thank God that it has Christian professors, teachers, counselors, as well as the kind of institution whose vision is to build and equips a communities of believers geared towards the biblical theology of God, the doctrine and love of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit narrated through Scripture. My life is a testimony of the commitment and work that LBC had on behalf of its students. However, my life ultimately testifies to the glory of God and His overarching work of love in all things, in that He would not let me give up, even when I felt like I had given out physically and all visible resources seemed non-existent. He simply encouraged my faith in Him, to love Him more and to continue to do the work until I see Him face to face in glory.”

—Imogene B., Bachelor’s, Biblical Studies, Washington, D.C.

“As a current 31-year federal government retired employee, I lacked the discipline to complete traditional academic achievement. It was not until I was introduced to LBC that my transformational journey began and prepared me for my call to serve as a pastor. Upon being accepted at LBC, my lack of discipline was immediately replaced with excitement and expectation. In some unexplained way, LBC | Capital and its faculty expressed a genuine belief in my call to pastor a people. They helped me to see my purpose beyond my success. Through intimate online and in-person learning experiences, my professional success paled in comparison to the journey LBC ignited in my life. Never before have I been so enthused with learning and wanting to be prepared for God’s use. Prior to LBC, I thought my journey was best defined by what I achieved. Since completing LBC’s Master of Divinity program, I can now clearly see, my journey is just beginning.”

—Ronald G., Master of Divinity, Washington, D.C.

“An education in Biblical Studies at LBC has given me a better insight into the Word of God for powerful and effective ministry to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. God provided all the necessary resources, the best faculty, professors, colleagues, a wonderful wife and family support to succeed in my studies at Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School. Because of my God-given educational opportunity to study at LBC | Capital, I feel I have developed additional spiritual and academic skills to handle God’s Word more carefully according to his Sovereign and intended purpose to reach, teach and preach the Word of God to the world.”

—Don B., Master of Arts in Biblical Studies, Washington, D.C.

“LBC has prepared me for my future by giving me a sound Bible foundation. I knew very little about the Old Testament before I attended LBC. As far as LBC preparing me for my career goals, I have learned a vast amount of knowledge from my professors that I will use each day. One thing that I have found very beneficial is learning to look through a different lens and not be so judgmental. One thing that will forever be in my memory are the many awesome professors that I have had the privilege to be taught by.”

—April H., Bachelor’s, Human Services, Philadelphia

“LBC has been the launching pad that reignited and initiated a lifelong dream for me to intensify my desire and heart for the work of the kingdom. Being an older student put to ease my struggle with continuing my education in this world of modern technology and younger college students. LBC has skyrocketed my confidence and equipped me with a greater determination and passion to be all that God has called me to be. While attending LBC, doors began to open for me in the areas of ministry. I also completed my journey to become an international chaplain, certified in prison ministry, hospice care, public safety, military and mental health. During my time at LBC, I was able to feel the heart of God through the staff and my professors. Not only did my knowledge of the word increase, so did my hunger, revelation and insight.”

—Clarese S., Associate, Biblical Studies, Philadelphia

Graduation ceremony“LBC has helped to prepare me for the future in so many ways. LBC has allowed me to gain a biblical worldview in the field of school counseling. The professors have helped me to apply theory and practice while simultaneously encouraging me to think and act in a Christ-like manner when working with students. Nevertheless, it is important as believers to represent Christ in any job or career we pursue and continuously show love and compassion towards our students. LBC has allowed me to be a light that shines for Christ in the school setting. I’m also thankful for LBC’s requirement to gain internship experience at the elementary, middle and high school levels, considering that all three grade levels are very different and require different job tasks. God has blessed me with a supportive husband and family. I could not be here if it weren’t for you all.”

—Alexis R., Master of Education in Professional School Counseling, Lancaster

“Even though I have been a full-time pastor for 18 years (and a lead pastor for the last five), I recognized that there were gaps in my understanding of ministry and God’s Word that somewhat limited my effectiveness as a leader and teacher. While God certainly blessed me with innate talents and abilities, I wanted to go further and give Him and the people of the church I lead my best. I now feel infinitely more equipped to handle God’s Word and lead the pastoral team who serve alongside me. As a full-time pastor and seminary student, God certainly stretched me in multiple ways. He taught me what it means to really trust Him as I was studying difficult subjects like Greek and Hebrew during the height of the pandemic, while at the same time trying to lead a church through such a confusing season. Looking back, I still do not know how I did it but for His grace and strength.”

—Gary B., Master of Arts in Biblical Studies, Lancaster

“The classes I took were practical and applicable to my current ministry settings. The professors were encouraging and uplifting. They pushed me to perform my very best and bring out my very best in the assignments. I honestly believe that through my classes and interaction with professors and classmates, I am better equipped and prepared for ministry and whatever God has for me in the future. I was going through a very difficult transition coming out of a ministry position, and God used the classes that I took to help me process the transition and move forward in a positive manner. Through the classes, I got to see where I went wrong in the transition and ways that I can improve myself for my future roles in ministry. I knew there was a reason why God had me at LBC, and I believe I was there to help process, transition and heal.”

—Garrett M., Master of Arts in Ministry, Pastoral Studies, Lancaster

“LBC | Capital prepared me for the future through the teaching I received in the counseling field through a biblical lens. I have been prepared to be in the world but not of the world as a counselor bringing the light and life of Christ. I am eternally grateful for LBC! God worked in my life in many ways during my time at LBC | Capital. I grew in my walk with Him as I ventured into the unknown of the counseling field and just followed His call. Great blessings have been added to my life, and I have walked through tough losses. God was, has and will continue to always faithfully remind me that He was the One who called me, therefore He will be the One to do it (1 Thessalonians 5:24).”

—Nyasha P., Master of Arts in Marriage, Couple & Family Counseling, Lancaster

“LBC has prepared me for the future by helping me develop and establish my philosophy as a teacher. As I head into the education field, I have to be very cautious about how I present myself as a Christian educator. Education is a difficult field to enter in this day and age, and the Education Department has done a wonderful job in preparing me and mentoring me as I pursue my passion. One of the most important aspects of my life that I had to really think about is how lukewarm of a Christian I actually was. Having the support and guidance has allowed me to further develop my beliefs and erase this idea of being lukewarm as a Christian.”

—Michael C., Bachelor’s, Middle Level Education, Lancaster

“LBC prepared me for the future by providing me with professors that had hands-on experience in the field that I want to pursue. My professors had experiences teaching that gave me a realistic expectation of what being a Health & Physical Education teacher is like. The professors have also prepared me for the interview process by making sure that the program was up to date with the national standards as well as giving us experiences answering difficult questions.”

—Kara S., Bachelor’s, Health & Physical Education, Lancaster

“(LBC) has provided me with biblical knowledge and resources that I will use for the rest of my life and prepared me for my career field in Sport Management. It has also given me priceless experience through sports and created a web of connections that are already helping me find a job after graduation. God has matured and refined me through my Bible classes but even more so through my experience as a dual athlete. My coaches have invested in me spiritually, and that has gone such a long way in staying accountable and digging deeper into what I believe as a Christian.”

—Adalyn S., Bachelor’s, Sport Management/Business, Lancaster Bible College

Graduation ceremony“LBC prepared me for the future by giving me real-world examples to learn from about mistakes from our past, more specifically in the criminal justice system. There are a lot of mistakes that were made in both lawmaking and law enforcement that can be fixed, and while the solutions sound obvious, it’s hard to reach those easily. God worked in my life by showing me different perspectives of the criminal justice system. Not everything is as simple as I had once thought, even though I still view some things very simply and bluntly.”

—Brenden O., Bachelor’s, Criminal Justice, Lancaster

“LBC prepared me for the world of ministry by giving me a holistic education. Academically, spiritually and emotionally, I feel trained and prepared as one can be. God used my time at LBC to reveal areas of weakness and immaturity, and as a place with brothers and sisters in Christ to help me grow through those areas.”

—David E., Bachelor’s, Pastoral Ministry, Lancaster Bible College

“When looking at my time spent here at LBC | Capital, it is hard for me to think of just one thing that this institution has taught me. When I first came to LBC, I had just become a Christian the summer before and had been working full time. It was only my second time on campus when I moved into my freshman dorm. Through that year and my future four, I think the largest thing that I have learned is that life will never look how we want it to, but through it all, God is still good. I faced COVID and the world shutting down my first year here and found myself facing many other struggles emotionally, socially and even financially that made me feel like I was no longer able to move forward. But through my peers and the amazing faculty and staff and their commitment to help and encourage me, I was able to keep going. Without that and this institution, I would not be the woman that I am today, and I would not feel confident in going into the world not knowing exactly what the future has in store but knowing God has a plan for me. I just need to rely on and trust in Him. Without LBC, I would not have learned what it means to trust in God like that.”

—Kayla S., Bachelor’s, Women in Ministry Leadership, Lancaster

LBC faculty in their official attire.“LBC gave me a solid biblical foundation no matter what my life will look like after graduation. LBC has taught me multiple life skills in how to be stewards of the gifts God has entrusted to us but ultimately to have the purpose of glorifying the Lord in everything we do. LBC also prepared me to further my education in the business department and knowledge of the Bible. Moving forward, I will be better prepared to live a biblical worldview.”

—Mariposa M., Bachelor’s, Business Administration, Lancaster

“Before anything else, LBC prepared me for my future by encouraging my walk with Christ and developing my biblical worldview. All of my classes kept Christ central to what we were learning as students, but I especially appreciate the depth of knowledge I gained from digging into His Word in Bible classes with such learned, wise and caring professors. I also feel well-equipped to pursue my entrepreneurial efforts in equine therapy because of the quality education provided by the Business Administration Department. Not only have my professors imparted their wealth of knowledge and experience but they have taken a vested interest in my individual journey. They care about my dreams and the ways God is leading me enough to show me how to practically apply what they’re teaching, help me network and develop specified plans. I believe these things will serve me well in the future.”

—Kara R., Bachelor’s, Business Administration, Lancaster